Phenomena pertinent to sexual harassment in higher education must not be omitted.MeToo movement has directed attention to issues related to anytype ofgender-based violence;andthe demand for sexual harassment prevention became more topicalever since.
Signs of Sexual Harassment in Higher Education
A brief definition of sexual harassment,is crossing one’s boundaries,through inappropriatecomments oractions thatencroachesa person, in a sexual, sex-based, and gender-based manner. It is an issue that concerns everyone, despite their sex, sexual orientation, identity etc.Examples of sexual harassmentin an educational institutioncan beinthe form of:
•Sexual requests from the teaching staffof the institute.
•Sexual requests from peersthat are unwanted.
•Inappropriate comments;either said directlyto someone;or indirectlyabout someone to other people. They can be addressed as jokes, or gossip etc. Furthermore,these comments may revolve arounda person’s appearance;gender-identity;or sexual orientation.
•Material circulationofsexual content. The content maynot necessarilybeabout a specific studentof the institution.
•Unwanted touching and anyphysicalexpression with sexual intention.
The Impact on Sexually Harassed Victims
Obviously, as anyabusiveexperience, sexual harassment has negative impact on the victims. In fact, such incidents caninflictsevere effects on a person’s psychological state,which theycan lead to unhealthy behaviors. A few indications of what sexually harassed victims are facing, may be the following:
•Negative effect on one’s self-esteem.
•Feeling offear.
•Feeling of shame.
•Expressingsocially disconnectedbehavior.
•Feeling of sadness.
•Substance and liquor abuse.
Forming pertinent policies that safeguard students’ welfare is imperative, in the institutions’premises. Hence, developingsolideducational material that prepares and informs students,fromyoungage,can be a useful way of prevention. However, forming policies regarding sexual harassment in higher education can be morecomplicated;asstudents are adults.In this case,providing a safe and respectful environment of interaction is equally important, without compromising their freedom and autonomy.FREASCO is aEuropean projectthat focuses on any kind of gender-based violence that occursonthe premises of educationalinstitutes, of all levels. In fact, the strategic partnership is aiming to map and report patterns of sexual harassment and provide digital solutions that can be conducive tothe reduction ofsuch phenomena.As this initiative progresses, there will be tangible results to tacklethesephenomena.
Author: Institute of Entrepreneurship Development